
If these are missing the npm configurations https-proxy, http-proxy, proxy will be used instead.. git config --global --unset http.proxy 因为我用的是shadowsocks代理,所以上面是socks5h://, 如果用的是http代理,将socks5h改为http即可. Git for Windows with TFS and SSL behind a proxy February 3, 2017 Mike Kaufmann GitHub , TFS , Visual Studio 17 comments If you run your TFS on prem and use git … And make sure git uses the variables: git config --global --unset http.proxy (You may need to also set the corresponding https variable+config). This command also support the --global and --local options that control whether the settings are stored globally or in the current git repository location. git config --local remote.upstream.proxy git config --local remote.internal.proxy "" For an existing repo, you can also set http.proxy on a per-remote basis. If globalTunnel.initialize doesnt receive a configuration as its first parameter the https_proxy and http_proxy environment variables will be used.. The git config command is used to set a network proxy. If no environment variables or npm configurations are found nothing will be done. 如果仅仅想为github设置代理,可以这样: Description This is the final piece for supporting automatic Git proxy configuration for (non-authenticating proxies).

$ git config --global "John Doe" $ git config --global Again, you need to do this only once if you pass the --global option, because then Git will always use that information for anything you do on that system. Using git bash when a proxy is required is not as easy as is expected, below is the procedures to setup this: 1. in the command prompt, type: git config –global http.proxy …

See #9126 #9127, and #9139 for the work leading up to this PR. git config --global http.proxy socks5h:// 取消代理. 设置代理. Example 1: HTTP Proxy Using Default Port 80 and no Authentication