compass create sanjay -r bootstrap-sass –using bootstrap.

sorry, I should have been more clear--the error, I think, was from me not deleting my npm-shrinkwrap.json file before following your instructions, because i followed them with an npm install that installed gulp-sass@1.2.3 (which uses node-sass@1.2.3).

The following binary packages are built from this source package: ruby-sass powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again

How to install SassC and LibSass on Ubuntu Posted on July 30th, 2014 LibSass is a C/C++ port of the Sass engine, which was originally written in Ruby, and therefore much faster. The first of the two releases of 2020 marks a new long term support (LTS). This adds more power to the basic language of CSS. How To Install SASS: SASS or Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets is an extension of CSS and helps us to write more flexible styles. Install Bootstrap Sass, Compass on Linux (Ubuntu based distros) Installing Ruby,Bootstrap, SASS and compass is easy on ubuntu based distros. Installing Sass and Compass on Ubuntu Sass is a pre-pre­proces­sor for CSS which I feel makes life eas­i­er. Com­pass is a CSS Author­ing Frame­work that adds com­mon­ly used mix­ins.

A few days ago Canonical officially released the latest version of Ubuntu. Just couple of commands and everything install. SASS is preprocessing language that is compiled into CSS and has different technical syntaxes.

Third one (gem install compass) will install twitter famous framework Bootstrap with SASS .